@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00061674, author = {Yasuda, Nakahiro and Uchihori, Yukio and Kitamura, Hisashi and Benton, Eric and Hajek, Michael and Berger, Thomas and Shurshakov, Vyacheslav and Akatov, Yury and Kurano, Mieko and 安田 仲宏 and 内堀 幸夫 and 北村 尚 and Akatov Yury and 蔵野 美恵子}, month = {Jun}, note = {4th International Workshop on Space Radiation Research and Annual NASA Space Radiation Health Investigators’ Workshop}, title = {BRADOS/Space Intercomparison: An International Experiment to Intercompare Passive Space Radiation Dosimeters on ISS}, year = {2006} }