@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00061286, author = {Uchihori, Yukio and Kitamura, Hisashi and Okano, Masaharu and Benton, Eric and Dachev, Tsvetan and 内堀 幸夫 and 北村 尚 and 岡野 眞治}, month = {Nov}, note = {In order to consider radiation protection for the aircrews in commercial airline, many measurements were performed by mainly European researchers. And also they have developed several calculation codes based on these measurements and several airlines are using these calculation codes to assess personal doses of aircrews. But these measurements were performed in European or Canadian airlines and there are no organized measurements in Japan. In order to confirm the results of the calculation codes and ensure sudden increasing of radiation doses caused by solar flare or coronal mass ejection, we have performed radiation measurements in commercial aircrafts from and to Japanese airports using the Liulin-4J silicon spectrometers and other detectors. In the future, a supersonic aircraft may be started their service. Because the radiation in the supersonic aircraft must be higher dose rate, it should be investigated. The ER-2 research aircraft in the NASA flied very high altitude till 21 km and we had opportunities to loaded the Liulin-4J in the ER-2 aircraft. We will report these results also., ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL INFLUENCES}, title = {Radiation measurements on commercial aircrafts and ER-2 at high altitude using Liulin-4J silicon spectrometer}, year = {2005} }