@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00061141, author = {Yukawa, Masae and Aoki, Kazuko and Iso, Hiroyuki and Kodama, Kumiko and Imaseki, Hitoshi and Ishikawa, Yuuji and 湯川 雅枝 and 青木 一子 and 児玉 久美子 and 今関 等 and 石川 裕二}, month = {Oct}, note = {In the environmental pollution studies, it is very important to detect not only pollutants but also changes induced in organisms in the environment with various environmental stresses such as heavy metal toxicity, radiation and agricultural chemicals. In the latter, monitoring is carried out using biological indicators to find out the changes, which have wide spectra from visible like deformity of the body to invisible such as changes in some enzyme activities [1,2]. Changes of the balance of essential elements could occur in organisms to deal with the stresses. If we detect an elemental balance shift, we may see the environmental pollution in its early stages. Moreover, in the actual environment, combined effects, additive or reductive with coexistent elements or other stresses, is an important subject for investigation. Therefore, measurement of many elements in the biological indicators simultaneously and determination of the distribution in the organisms are useful in clarifying the action of pollutants at sublethal levels. A small fresh water fish, Medaka can be used as one of the biological indicators for determination of water quality. In the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), an inbred strain of Medaka Orizias laptipes was established and has been maintained for the research purposes. Since the genetic background of inbred animals is almost uniform, the individual deviation among animals is very small. This characteristic is very useful to investigate the physiological effects of environmental stresses. We have continued to investigate the balance shift of essential elements induced in the bodies of Medaka by several stresses. In this paper, elemental content in various organs of the X-ray irradiated fish determined by PIXE method are reported in comparison with that of the control fish to observe the effect of the X-rays. Body size of Medaka is about 3 cm long, and the internal organs are very small (about 1 mm on average). PIXE is the most suitable tool for this subject owing to its high sensitivity to detect elements and capability to analyze many elements in small samples simultaneously. One of the purposes of this study is to show the usefulness of PIXE method in determination of the elemental balance shift. The fishes were irradiated with X-ray in a plastic dish containing 5 mm depth of water using X-ray irradiation equipment (PANTAK-320S) at 200kV and 20mA. The dose rate was 224R/min and the total dose was 17Gy. The LD50/30 (50% Lethal Dose within 30 days) of this fish is 20Gy [3]. The X-ray irradiation did not induce any stressful behavior in this experimental period, about 3 weeks. After the X-ray irradiation, on the 2nd day, the 9th day and the 16th day, fishes were dissected and essential elements such as P, S, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn in liver, gall bladder, kidney, spleen, heart, gill and brain in the fish were measured by PIXE method. And the contents in each organ were compared with those of the control fish to determine the effect of the stresses. Just after the X-ray irradiation, various changes of the elemental contents were observed depending on the organs. Brain showed less change of metal balance comparing to the other organs. Increases of P and Fe were observed in many organs. On the contrary, S showed the decreasing tendency. Recovery from the stress loading was also observed during 16 days. The result will be reported in this paper., Asia-Pasific Symposium on Radiochemistry-05}, title = {Determination of Metal Balance Shift Induced in Small Fresh Water Fish by X-ray Irradiation Using PIXE Analysis}, year = {2005} }