@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00060405, author = {Kitamura, Hisashi and Torii, Syoji and Tamura, Tadahisa and Yamagami, Takamasa and et.al and 北村 尚 and 鳥居 祥二 and 田村 忠久}, month = {Jun}, note = {We have carried out the electron observation in 10 - 1000 GeV by the Polar Patron Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The balloon was floated at a level altitude of 35 km for 13 days in January, 2004. The detector, BETS, consists of 9 plates of plastic scintillator and nearly 10,000 scintillating fibers with lead of 9 radiation length in thickness. It has capability of measuring the three dimensional shower development to select electrons from the background protons. In this paper, we present the performance of the detector and the results on the energy spectrum of electrons., International Symposium on Space Technology and Science}, title = {High Energy Electron Observation by Polar Patrol Balloon Flight in Anatarctica}, year = {2004} }