@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00055231, author = {Uchihori, Yukio and Yasuda, Nakahiro and Kitamura, Hisashi and Fujitaka, Kazunobu and Takada, Masashi and Benton, Eric and et.al and 内堀 幸夫 and 安田 仲宏 and 北村 尚 and 藤高 和信 and 高田 真志}, journal = {Annual Report of the Research Project with Heavy Ions at NIRS-HIMAC}, month = {Apr}, note = {The 2nd and 3rd ICCHIBAN (Inter-Comparison for Cosmic-ray with Heavy Ion Beams At NIRS) runs were performed in May, 2002 and Feb., 2003 and included the participation of many Japanese and international researchers. The principle objective of this program is the ground-based intercomparison of different radiation monitors which are routinely used or are planned to be used to measure the exposure of space crews to ionizing radiation aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and the NASA Space Shuttles. The 2nd and 3rd ICCHIBAN run were dedicated to the intercomparison of passive detectors and active detectors, respectively. The results measured by the different instruments were gathered together and are being investigated by the ICCHIBAN working group.}, pages = {253--255}, title = {InterComparison for Cosmic-ray with Heavy Ion Beams At NIRS (13P-113)}, year = {2003} }