@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00054857, author = {片桐, 健 and 岩田, 佳之 and 早乙女, 直也 and 佐藤, 眞二 and 皿谷, 有一 and 高田, 栄一 and 丹正, 亮平 and 野田, 悦夫 and 原, 洋介 and 古川, 卓司 and 村松, 正幸 and 水島, 康太 and 白井, 敏之 and 井, 博志(AEC) and 川島祐洋(AEC) and 小林千広(AEC) and 藤本哲也(AEC) and 片桐 健 and 岩田 佳之 and 早乙女 直也 and 佐藤 眞二 and 皿谷 有一 and 高田 栄一 and 丹正 亮平 and 野田 悦夫 and 原 洋介 and 古川 卓司 and 村松 正幸 and 水島 康太 and 白井 敏之}, book = {第14回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス}, issue = {FSP033}, month = {Nov}, note = {Heavy ion cancer therapy with the Heavy ion Medical Accelerator synchrotron in Chiba (HIMAC) has been administered to more than 10,000 patients since 1994. We started the heavy-ion cancer therapy using a 3D scanning irradiation system in May 2011, at New Particle Therapy Research Facility in NIRS. To enhance the treatment quality by achieving a precise dose control, we have continued some R&Ds on HIMAC and its irradiation system including a superconducting-rotating gantry. We also started developments of a compact superconducting rotating gantry and a compact superconducting synchrotron to be applied for a newly started project of a ”quantum knife”, which is a next generation of the heavy-ion cancer therapy machine. This paper outlines those R&Ds as well as the present status of HIMAC accelerator facility.}, pages = {1415--1418}, publisher = {日本加速器学会}, title = {HIMAC 加速器の現状報告(2017)}, volume = {PASJ2017}, year = {2017} }