@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00054854, author = {片桐, 健 and 野田, 章 and 涌井, 崇志 and 北條, 悟 and 白井, 敏之 and 野田, 耕司 and 片桐 健 and 野田 章 and 涌井 崇志 and 北條 悟 and 白井 敏之 and 野田 耕司}, book = {第14回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス}, issue = {WEP115}, month = {Nov}, note = {has been developed to be employed for an ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) system, which provides 11C ions to treatment rooms for heavy-ion cancer therapy simultaneously with real-time verification of an irradiation field using PET (Positron Emission Tomography). To provide sufficient 11C ions to the treatment rooms, the SCIS has to realize ionization efficiency of 1% for production of singly charged 11C ions. In previous work, the SCIS was designed based on particle in cell simulation [1]. With the fabricated SCIS, we measured the ion production efficiency for CO+2 ion production from CO2 molecules and that for C+ ion production from CH4 ions. We found that the SCIS achieved the efficiency of "C+ = 5 10_x1048576_3 (0.5%) for the C+ production, and "CO+2 = 5.5 10_x1048576_2 (5.5%) for CO+2 production [2].}, pages = {1193--1196}, publisher = {日本加速器学会}, title = {Validation Study On Upwinding Schemes For Core MHD/Turbulent Simulation}, volume = {PASJ2017}, year = {2017} }