@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00054758, author = {池田, 亮介 and 小林, 貴之 and 小田, 靖久 and 梶原, 健 and 高橋, 幸司 and 森山, 伸一 and 坂本, 慶司 and 池田 亮介 and 小林 貴之 and 小田 靖久 and 梶原 健 and 高橋 幸司 and 森山 伸一 and 坂本 慶司}, book = {Proceedings of 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference}, month = {Mar}, note = {Multi-frequency Mega Watt-class gyrotrons have being developed for ITER and JT-60 SA project in QST. Stable operation of 170 GHz oscillation with higher total efficiency were achieved in ITER gyrotron with high-order volume mode of TE31,11 mode by introducing active anode voltage control and beam radius control to suppress adjacent counter-rotating modes. In long pulse operation, 1.0 MW/46 % for 300 s was achieved and 1.2 MW was obtained until 5 s. In multi-frequency oscillations, experiments of 203 GHz oscillation for a demo-reactor grade were started and the output power of 0.9 MW in short pulse and 0.42 MW for 5 s were demonstrated as preliminary results For lower frequencies, 1.0 MW/6 s at 137 GHz, and 1 MW/2 s and 0.93 MW/5 s at 104 GHz were also achieved. The ITER gyrotron having mega-watt-class power at four frequencies in wide range over 100 GHz was developed. In the JT-60SA gyrotron, oscillations of 1 MW/100 s at both 110 and 138 GHz had been already achieved. Enhancement of maximum power was progressed and 1.9 MW/1 s at 110 GHz, which is a world record power in non-coaxial type gyrotron has been achieved. And high-power oscillation at 138 GHz (1.3 MW/1.3 s) and 82 GHz (1 MW/1 s) have been demonstrated as a new record.}, publisher = {IAEA}, title = {Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA}, year = {2017} }