@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00054694, author = {岩田, 佳之 and 山田, 聰 and 村上, 健 and 藤本, 哲也 and 藤澤, 高志 and 小川, 博嗣 and 宮原, 信幸 and 山本, 和男 and 北條, 悟 and 坂本, 幸雄 and 村松, 正幸 and 竹内, 猛 and 密本, 俊典 and 筒井, 裕士 and 渡辺, 崇 and 上田, 隆正 and 岩田 佳之 and 山田 聰 and 村上 健 and 藤澤 高志 and 小川 博嗣 and 宮原 信幸 and 山本 和男 and 北條 悟 and 坂本 幸雄 and 村松 正幸 and 竹内 猛 and 渡辺 崇 and 上田 隆正}, book = {第3回日本加速器学会年会・第31回リニアック技術研究会プロシーディング}, month = {Aug}, note = {A compact injector was designed for an injector of heavy-ion medical accelerators. It consists of an Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Ion-Source (ECRIS) and two compact linacs, which are a Radio-Frequency-Quadrupole (RFQ) linac and an Interdigital H-mode Drift-Tube-Linac (IH-DTL) having the same operating frequency of 200 MHz. The injector can accelerate heavy ions having a charge-to-mass ratio of q/m=1/3 up to 4.0 MeV/u. For beam focusing of the IH-DTL, the method of Alternating-Phase-Focusing (APF) was applied. Since overall stability of motion would be obtained just with the rf acceleration field, no focusing element or cooling equipments had to be installed in the cavity. This allowed us to employ a rather high operating-frequency, and hence to design a compact cavity. The compact injector was constructed, and beam acceleration tests were performed. In this paper, an overview of the compact injector as well as results of the acceleration tests was described.}, title = {高効率小型入射器の開発(I)}, year = {2006} }