@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00053910, author = {白井, 敏之 and 田辺, 幹夫 and 想田, 光 and 池上, 将弘 and 頓宮, 拓 and 野田, 章 and 野田, 耕司 and Grieser, Manfred and Meshkov, I and Smirnov, Alexander and 白井 敏之 and 田辺 幹夫 and 想田 光 and 頓宮 拓 and 野田 章 and 野田 耕司}, book = {日本加速器学会年会・リニアック技術研究会}, month = {Nov}, note = {The one-dimensional ordering experiment of protons has been performed using the electron cooling at S-LSR. The first proton ordering has been successfully confirmed and the abrupt drop in the momentum spread has been observed at a proton number of 2000 with electron currents of 25 mA, 50 mA and 100 mA. The transition temperature of the proton ordering is 0.17 meV in the longitudinal direction. Below the transition, the longitudinal proton temperature is cooled down to 26 maicro eV, which is close to the longitudinal electron temperature. The results of the beam simulations using the molecular dynamics method also agree well with the experimental results.}, pages = {115--117}, title = {電子ビーム冷却された陽子ビームのOrdering相転移}, volume = {4}, year = {2007} }