@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00053774, author = {Nakanishi, Takahiro and Aono, Tatsuo and Yamada, Masatoshi and Kusakabe, Masashi and 中西 貴宏 and 青野 辰雄 and 山田 正俊 and 日下部 正志}, book = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity (KEK Proceedings)}, month = {Dec}, note = {Geographical distributions of cosmogenic natural radionuclides 32P and 33P in surface seawater were investigated in the western North Pacific (0 to 48.3 N). An in situ large-volume filtration system equipped with adsorbents for dissolved P was used to collect the nuclides in the water column. Radioactive P inventories of total dissolved P in the subarctic region and its front were higher than that in the tropical and subtropical zone. The 33P/32P activity ratios indicated rapid export of particulate matter from the euphotic zone in the subarctic region.}, pages = {53--55}, title = {Distributions of 32P and 33P in the western North Pacific with multiple-unit in situ large-volume filtration systems}, volume = {7}, year = {2006} }