@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00053037, author = {Nitta, Yumiko and Yoshida, Kazuko and Tanaka, Kimio and Peters, Jo and M., Cattanach Bruce and 新田 由美子 and 吉田 和子 and 田中 公夫}, book = {Molecular Mechanisms for Radiation-Induced Cellular Response and Cancer Development : Proceeding of the International Symposium on Biological Effects of Low Dose Radiation}, month = {}, pages = {136--142}, publisher = {Institute for Environmental Science}, title = {The Mouse Small Eye Mutant,Del(2)Sey3H, which Deletes the Putative Tumor Suppressor Region of the radiation-induced Acute myeloid leukemia is Susceptible to Radiation.}, year = {2002} }