@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00049565, author = {Chitarin, G. and Agostinetti, P. and D.Aprile and Baltador, C. and Hiratsuka, Junichi and Ichikawa, Masahiro and Kojima, Atsushi and Kashiwagi, Mieko and Marconato, N. and Sartori, E. and Serianni, G. and Veltri, P. and Hiratsuka, Junichi and Ichikawa, Masahiro and Kojima, Atsushi and Kashiwagi, Mieko}, issue = {1}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, month = {Sep}, note = {. The optics design of the multi-beamlet negative ion accelerator for MITICA has been verified by means of specific experiments in the NITS test facility at the QST lab, employing a scaled-down configuration having the same features as the accelerator of MITICA and ITER HNB. The experiments confirmed the validity of the accelerator design. However it was found that, in the presence of transverse magnetic field in the ion extraction stage, the ion beamlet deflection in numerical simulations was somehow underestimated with respect to the beamlet deflection inferred from thermal images of a CFC target exposed to the negative ion beam. A detailed benchmark, using also another (completely independent) numerical model of the accelerator, has allowed the identification of possible origins of the differences.}, title = {Benchmark of 3D multi-beamlet numerical models for the optics design of negative ion accelerators}, volume = {2011}, year = {2018} }