@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00049382, author = {A. Alkhimova, M. and Ya. Faenov, A. and Yu. Skobelev, I. and A. Pikuz, T. and 西内, 満美子 and 榊, 泰直 and ピロジコフ, アレキサンダー and 匂坂, 明人 and ドーバー, ニコラス ピーター and 近藤, 康太郎 and 小倉, 浩一 and 福田, 祐仁 and 桐山, 博光 and 西谷, 勁太 and 宮原, 巧 and 渡辺, 幸信 and A. Pikuz, S. and 神門, 正城 and 兒玉, 了祐 and 近藤, 公伯 and Nishiuchi, Mamiko and Sakaki, Hironao and Pirozhkov, Alexander and Sagisaka, Akito and Dover, NicholasPeter and Kondo, Kotaro and Ogura, Koichi and Fukuda, Yuuji and Kiriyama, Hiromitsu and Nishitani, Keita and Miyahara, Takumi and Watanabe, Yukinobu and Kando, Masaki and Kodama, Ryousuke and Kondo, Kiminori}, issue = {23}, journal = {Optics Express}, month = {Nov}, note = {We report on the spectra of x-rays emitted from dense plasma generated via irradiation of thin stainless steel foils by ultra-relativistic femtosecond laser pulses (intensities ~3 × 10^21 W/cm^2). Kinetic modelling was used to estimate electron plasma density and temperature, demonstrating Te ~2.1 keV for Ne ~5 × 10^22 cm^−3 in the hottest emission region. Thus, it is experimentally demonstrated for the first time that the laser pulse of over 10^21 W/cm^2 intensity is absorbed neither in the solid density plasma nor in a pre-plasma of a common critical density, but in the matter of so called relativistic critical density.}, pages = {29501--29511}, title = {High resolution X-ray spectra of stainless steel foils irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses with ultra-relativistic intensities}, volume = {25}, year = {2017} }