@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00049279, author = {助川, 篤彦 and 奥野, 功一 and 田中, 聖一朗 and 助川 篤彦}, journal = {Fusion Engineering and Design}, month = {Nov}, note = {Estimation of neutron yields produced from SS316L, CuCrZr, and graphite targets of the mainly In-vessel components of a Tokamak fusion device for MeV-energy electrons has been performed by neutronics analysis using a 3D Monte Carlo code [PHITS], including an electron-gamma shower M.C. code [EGS 5]. Neutronics analysis for Tokamak fusion devices is performed mainly with neutrons and photons using evaluated nuclear data libraries with energy up to 20 MeV energy. Furthermore, we have experience of photoneutron emission due to runaway electrons at several hydrogen discharges in Tokamak fusion device. The energy of the runaway electrons reaches at several tens of MeV energy. A 3D Monte Carlo code [PHITS+EGS5] suitable for electron and photon transport at energies greater than 20 MeV is very attractive for the photoneutron analysis of Tokamak fusion devices.}, pages = {1653--1657}, title = {Estimation of Neutron Yields Produced from SS316L, CuCrZr and Graphite target for MeV-energy Electrons toward JT-60 Tokamak Fusion Device}, volume = {136}, year = {2018} }