@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00049138, author = {Honoka, Obata and uddin Khandaker, Mayeen and Furuta, Etsuko and Nagatsu, Kotaro and Ming-Rong, Zhang and Obata, Honoka and uddin Khandaker, Mayeen and Nagatsu, Kotaro and Ming-Rong, Zhang}, journal = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, month = {Mar}, note = {We studied the excitation functions of residual radionuclides produced via proton and deuteron bombardment on natural iridium in the energy ranges of 30–15 MeV and 50–15 MeV, respectively. A conventional stacked-foil activation technique combined with HPGe γ-ray spectrometry was used to measure the excitation functions for 189, 191Pt and 189, 190g, 192g, 194gIr radionuclide production. Theoretical thick target yields were estimated to be 172 MBq/µA h and 192 MBq/µA h via the 193Ir(p,3n)191Pt reaction at 29.6–17.5 MeV and the 193Ir(d,4n)191Pt reaction at 40.3–23.8 MeV, respectively. The feasibility of 191Pt production from an iridium target was discussed, and compared with previously reported methods for the production of 191Pt.}, pages = {250--260}, title = {Excitation functions of proton- and deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural iridium for the production of 191Pt}, volume = {137}, year = {2018} }