@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00049122, author = {Ohshima, Takeshi and Sato, Takahiro and Kraus, Hannes and V, Astakhov Georgy and Dyakonov, Vladimir and G, Baranov Pavel and 大島 武 and 佐藤 隆博}, journal = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}, month = {Jul}, note = {Single photon source (SPS) is a key element for quantum spintronics and quantum photonics. Several color centers, silicon vacancy (Vsi), divacancy (VsiVc), carbon antisite carbon vacancy pair (CsiVc), in silicon carbide (SiC) act as SPSs. In those SPSs, spin (S = 3/2) in Vsi can be manipulated even at room temperature and the intensity of its photoluminescence (PL) changes depending on the spin states. Since PL from Vsi is in the near infrared region (around 900 nm), it is expected that Vsi is applied to quantum sensor especially for biological or medical applications. Therefore, quantum sensing based on Vsi in SiC is discussed. In addition, energetic particle irradiation, especially proton beam writing (PBW), is introduced as a method to create Vsi in SiC.}, title = {Creation of Silicon Vacancy in Silicon Carbide by Proton Beam Writing toward Quantum Sensing Applications}, volume = {51}, year = {2018} }