@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00047998, author = {櫻庭, 俊 and 河野, 秀俊 and 河野 秀俊}, issue = {7}, journal = {J. Phys. Chem.}, month = {Aug}, note = {Comparing two trajectories from molecular simulations conducted under different conditions is not a trivial task. In this study, we apply a method called LDA-ITER to compare two molecular simulation results by finding the appropriate projection vectors. Because LDA-ITER attempts to determine a projection such that the projections of the two trajectories do not overlap, the comparison does not suffer from a strong anisotropy, which is an issue in protein dynamics. LDA-ITER is applied to two test cases: the T4 lysozyme protein simulation with or without a point mutation and the allosteric protein PDZ2 domain of hPTP1E with or without a ligand. The projection determined by the method agrees with the experimental data and previous simulations. The proposed procedure, which complements existing methods, is a versatile analytical method that is specialized to find the difference between two trajectories.}, pages = {074116-1--074116-16}, title = {Spotting the difference in molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules}, volume = {145}, year = {2016} }