@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00046715, author = {Sawada, Kazuhiko and Fukunishi, Katsuhiro and Xue, Zhi Sun and Saito, Shigeyoshi and Aoki, Ichio and Sakata-Haga, Hiromi and Fukui, Yoshihiro and et.al and 孫 学智 and 齋藤 茂芳 and 青木 伊知男}, issue = {3}, journal = {Advanced Studies in Biology}, month = {Feb}, note = {Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was conducted on the fixed brains of cynomolgus monkey fetuses at embryonic days (EDs) 70-140. DTI color maps revealed the commissural tracts such as the corpus callosum and anterior commissure, and the projection tracts such as the internal capsules, coronal and optic radiations, and the limbic tracts such as the cingulum and fornix, already forming on ED 70. The corpus callosum grew into the occipital subcortical region between the optic radiation and the medial cortical surface when the calcarine sulcus began to indent on ED 80. The corticocortical long associative fibers became distinguishable sequentially with the stages in the development of the fetuses, and the emergence of those fibers was spatiotemporally related to the emergence of other primary sulci. The unicinate fibers were observed along the indentation of the lateral fissure rostrocaudally on ED 70, while the inferior longitudinal fasciculus emerged corresponding to the emergence of the superior temporal sulcus on ED 80 and the emergence of the lunate sulcus on ED 120; the superior longitudinal fasciculus appeared throughout the frontoparietal region, corresponding to the emergence of parietooccipital sulcus on ED 80 and the emergence of the arcuate and central sulci on ED 90. Furthermore, some but not all cortical convolutions were formed at the gap of two association fiber tracts. For example, the convolution of the superior temporal gyrus at the gap between the unicinate and inferior longitudinal fascicule, and the convolution of the inferior temporal gyrus at the gap between the inferior and superior longitudinal fascicule were observed. These results suggest that the emerging corticocortical long associative fibers link spatiotemporally with the formation of primary sulci in the cynomolgus monkey cerebrum.}, pages = {133--150}, title = {Development of Corticocortical Long Associative Fibers in Cynomolgus Monkey Fetal Cerebrum Analyzed Using DTI: its Relation to Sulcal Formation}, volume = {3}, year = {2011} }