@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00043902, author = {Seki, Naohiko and Hattori, Atsushi and Hayashi, Akiko and Kozuma, Sumie and Miyajima, Nobuyuki and Saito, Toshiyuki and 関 直彦 and 服部 篤 and 林 昭子 and 小妻 澄枝 and 齋藤 俊行}, journal = {Journal of Human Genetics}, month = {}, note = {The DnaJ protein family consists of proteins with a highly conserved amino acid stretch called the "J-domain". A cDNA clone encoding a new protein with a J-domain was isolated from a human fetal brain cDNA library. This new member of the DnaJ family of 241 amino acid residues showed 94% identity with mouse Mrj (accession number, AF035962) and 71% identity with mouse Msj-1 (accession number, U95607) along its entire sequence. Reverse transcription-coupled polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis showed the messenger RNA was ubiquitously expressed in various human tissues. The chromosomal location of the gene was determined by PCR-based analyses with both a human/rodent monochromosomal hybrid cell panel and a radiation hybrid panel to map on chromosome 11q25 region.}, pages = {185--189}, title = {Cloning, tissue expression, and chromosomal assignment of human MRJ gene for a member of the DNAJ protein family.}, volume = {44}, year = {1999} }