@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00043901, author = {Seki, Naohiko and Hattori, Atsushi and Hayashi, Akiko and Kozuma, Sumie and Ohira, Miki and Hori, Tadaaki and Saito, Toshiyuki and 関 直彦 and 服部 篤 and 林 昭子 and 小妻 澄枝 and 堀 雅明 and 齋藤 俊行}, journal = {Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Structure and Expression}, month = {Jan}, note = {A novel DNA-PKcs interacting protein, KIP (kinase interacting protein), was recently isolated using a two-hybrid analysis which showed a significant homology to calcineurin B. We found other ESTs showing significant similarity to KIP gene in the dbEST database and isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a 187 amino acid polypeptide from a human fetal brain cDNA library. This protein (termed KIP2 for kinase interacting protein 2) has sequence homology to KIP (46% identical and 64% similarity). RT-PCR analysis showed that the messenger RNA was ubiquitously expressed in various human tissues. Based on PCR-based analysis with a radiation hybrid cell panel and fluorescence in situ hybridization, the gene was localized to the q24 region of chromosome 15}, pages = {143--147}, title = {Structure, expression profile and chromosomal location of an isolog of DNA-PKcs interacting protein (KIP) gene.}, volume = {1444}, year = {1999} }